The story of the man who led the Piscataway Indian Nation and their revitalization in the 20th century. From his childhood and service in WWI to his work as an herbalist and traditionalist who embraced the advent of the American Indian Movement, to his last days and the campaign to have him buried in a..
Tag: piscataway
Meet Craig and Scott Queen – my distant cousins from the Queen – Marsham family lineage… I’m not sure what’s the cousin math (X cousin X removed?.. if anyone knows?) but we are related through our MCRA “Most Recent Common Ancestor” is my great grandparents x9 Giles Brent and Mary Kittamaquund. However, our great..
(? Teko Photo) Washington D.C. Piscataway Territory I am a descendant of Uttapoingasinem, the last pre-contact Tayac of the Piscataway Nation, by way of Big Beaver Chitomachen Kittamaquund, and his daughter Mary Kittamaquund… To all my relations… 4 nations.. I pray we find better dayz. Aho I am also a descendant of the Brent’s, Beavens,..
Sebi Medina-Tayac, of the Piscataway Nation, speaks on the significance of St Ignatius Church to Native people and Southern Maryland’s early history. July 5, 2017 marked the 377 year anniversary of the Baptism of Kittamaquund, the Piscataway “Tayac” by Father Andrew White on July 5, 1640. The events surrounding Kittamaquund’s conversion predate the constitution by..