Last week I returned from an EPIC trip with my family to Sicily, Italy- and this week is the 23rd year anniversary of the shooting/ assassination of our Beloved Tupac Amaru Shakur aka “Makaveli the Don.” As I reflect on the annual commemoration and remembrance of Tupac’s life and tragic death* it is impossible for..
Category: Revolutionary Culture - page 2
Meet Craig and Scott Queen – my distant cousins from the Queen – Marsham family lineage… I’m not sure what’s the cousin math (X cousin X removed?.. if anyone knows?) but we are related through our MCRA “Most Recent Common Ancestor” is my great grandparents x9 Giles Brent and Mary Kittamaquund. However, our great..
WASHINGTON — The FBI is monitoring groups on the border that are protesting U.S. immigration policy, according to a document obtained by by way of Yahoo News. The FBI has gathered intelligence from people with “direct access” to the organizations and is monitoring their social media, according to the document, called an “external intelligence..
Our photo-journal from the Under-Streets of Palermo, Sicilia, Italy🇮🇹
The People must fight for their own system in all ways—one of those being armed clandestine struggle. We have a long way to go, but we are getting there. I am accused of being a part of the Sam Melville/Jonathan Jackson Unit in the 1970’s and the United Freedom Front in the 1980s. I am..