Category: Uncategorized - page 2

Trump Administration loses Keystone XL Battle as U.S. Court Blocks Construction

On November 8th – Judge Brian Morris of the U.S. District Court for Montana, ruled that the Trump administration violated U.S. environmental laws when they approved the federal permit for the TransCanada Keystone XL tar sands pipeline project. Judge Morris blocked the federal government and TransCanada “from engaging in any activity in furtherance of the construction..

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For immediate release: Darris Love #iamnotasuspect

Updated 6/8/2018 at 2:54 pm CST For immediate release: To everyone who has been calling and texting in regards to my brother and business partner of 8 years -Darris Love, who was racially profiled in Los Angeles on 6/6/18 by the LAPD and LA county Sheriffs department………. SHARE and Hashtag #iamnotasuspect   Darris Love, was at..

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To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question!!!

I posted this question on Facebook between Melissa and my friends- and it garnered over 320 comments and opinions from different people on whether to vaccinate or not. Some people said definite “No” to vaccinations while others feel most definitely that “yes” we should vaccinate. However many people suggested that we pick and choose the..

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2Pac Movie: “All Eyez On Me” World Premiere LIVE STREAM

Live stream from the BLACK CARPET World Premiere “ALL EYEZ ON ME” long anticipated biopic film about Tupac Shakur. Pook Diesel (of Rap Sheet Hollywood) and Asher Underwood interviews with legendary 2Pac- Legacy friends and associates prior to the movie debut. Interviews include: – Money B / Shock G (Digital Underground), – Leila Steinberg (Tupac’s..

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HyperNormalisation (2016) Documentary Review


Last night on the 5 hour return from San Quentin to Los Angeles, I had time to watch the 2 and 1/2 hour BBC documentary “HyperNormalisation” (2016), by British Filmmaker Adam Curtis.  The premise of the doc is that much of the perceived chaos and uncertainty happening in the world today is guided by the unseen hand of corporations..

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Graffiti Village Tour 1 year anniversary IndieGenius Media

Happy One Year Anniversary of the #GraffitiVillageTour!! A year ago today, IGM founders / artists stepped out on a cutting edge journey of the west and southwest, with an idea of a new world, people we hadn’t met yet, family we were yet to include in our own, and now here we are… Much love..

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