S/o my IndieGenius Media family Jamil Suleman & Aaron Jacob for this powerful piece and history from Bruce Lee’s best friend and senior most student Taky Kimura. “Taky Kimura – The Heart of the Dragon” [2020] Taky Kimura was Bruce Lee’s best friend and senior most student, meeting Bruce when he was just a new..
Author: asherunderwood - page 3
Wu Tang Quarantine Mix: War of Names Interlude final 5 02 2020
The story of the man who led the Piscataway Indian Nation and their revitalization in the 20th century. From his childhood and service in WWI to his work as an herbalist and traditionalist who embraced the advent of the American Indian Movement, to his last days and the campaign to have him buried in a..
My bro Jamil Suleman got too much time on his hands in quarantine!! He went smart on the track though as usual – mixing Hip Hop satire with real world issues!! A must watch, represent and share to support the home!! Favorite line: “is that the homie? Dawg what up!! Don’t get f#ckin’ close to..
Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister says he believes Lewis was likely killed and he’s suspicious of Baskin and believes other people were in on the murder plot. Although Hillsborough says Don’s wife, Carole Baskin, is NOT a suspect or person of interest, he tells us he’s suspicious of her and he’s also suspicious of others. Watch..
I think it’s appropriate to share this on Easter weekend. This new documentary “Out of Shadows” was released yesterday on Good Friday. Once I started watching I couldn’t stop and have to say it was hands down the best documentary and piece of journalism I have seen on the subject. The Out Of Shadows documentary..
[Updated 4/20/20] Have a look at “War of Names: China vs U.S.” part 1, which is a comparative review in the conflicting narratives between heavyweight contenders China and the United States. Specifically, this video looks at the irony in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and John Hopkins University “Global Pandemic” exercise in New York..
“The history of the of the Indian and the history of the American have now come full circle and are intertwined in territorial policies of those that control the monetary system of America.” I think its safe to say we livin’ in Revelations, the United States of America’s a reservation.. i pray to the four..
“Epidemics like the coronavirus outbreak are a mirror for humanity, reflecting the moral relationships that people have toward one other, the historian” Frank M. Snowden says. Frank M. Snowden, a professor emeritus of history and the history of medicine at Yale, examines the ways in which disease outbreaks have shaped politics, crushed revolutions, and entrenched..